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Man Selling Juiced-Up Ferrets as Puppies

 The Daily Mail published a story today about an Argentinian dog breeder who brought things to a bizarre new level.

After purchasing two Toy Poodle puppies from this breeder, the owner brought his new pets to the vet for their first checkup. He received devastating news. The puppies were suffering from an incurable condition for which there is no treatment available. The condition? The puppies weren’t puppies at all – they were ferrets.

The owner was scammed by a man who pumped the rodents full of steroids, applied hair products to their fur, and blow-dried it with a roller brush for maximum volume. The breeder brought the ferrets to a busy outdoor market passing them off as Toy Poodle puppies, charging $150 each. I don’t know what’s harder to believe: that there’s a man sitting at home blow drying rodents; or that there’s a person who actually believed they were puppies.

My mom and her dog breeder friends suddenly seem remarkably normal.